TNSO Scholarship Opportunities
The TNSO offers scholarships to members annually. Before applying, applicants must have been a member of DKG for at least three years. Service to Delta Kappa Gamma is an important criteria in the selection of a recipient. Regular attendance at chapter meetings and activities are also taken into consideration, as well as convention participation at all levels of the Society. Recipients are expected to attend the convention for the presentation of awards.
The named scholarships and their purposes are:
A. Mary Hall Scholarship for study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree $3,000
B. Evangeline Hartsook Scholarship for study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree $1,500
C. Lois Jones Scholarship for pursuing a doctorate $3,000
D. Lottye McCall Scholarship for study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree $1,500
E. Louise Oakley Scholarship for study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree $1,500
F. Eleanor Osteen Scholarship for study beyond the Bachelor’s Degree $1,500
G. Dr. Maycie K. Southall Scholarship for study beyond the Master’s Degree $3,000
H. Dr. Isabel Wheeler Scholarship for pursuing a doctorate $3,000
Tennessee State Scholarship Recipients 2014-2024
Lauren Wilmoth, Alpha Epsilon
Lois Jones, $3,000
Abigail Hill, Pi
Mary Hall, $3,000
Michelle Freeman, Beta Upsilon
Maycie K. Southall, $3,000
Abigail Kincaid, Gamma
Lois Jones, $3000.00
Dawn Viles, Beta Pi
Isabel Wheeler, $3000.00
Julie Golden, Zeta
Evangeline Hartsook, $1250.00
Bethany Billingsley, Beta Upsilon
Mary Hall, $3000.00
Leigh Ann Durham. Kappa
Mary Hall, $3,000.00
Jennifer Magnusson, Beta Lambda
Maycie K. Southall, $3,000.00
Pam Egelar, Alpha Alpha
Lottye McCall, $1,250.00
Renee Flowers, Alpha Pi
Evangeline Hartsook, $1,250.00
Susan Young, Beta Beta
Louise Oakley, $1,250.00
Jamie Lawson, Alpha Rho
Maycie K. Southall, $3,000.00
Kathleen Roovers, Pi
Evangeline Hartsook, $1,250.00
Brooke Sampson, Gamma Iota
Lottye McCall, $1,250.00
Kimberly Thurman, Alpha Xi
Louise Oakley, $1,250.00
Sarah Cheek, Gamma Nu
Mary K. Southall, $3,000.00
Cheryl McHone, Gamma
Lois Jones Special, $3,000.00
Brooke Sampson, Gamma Iota
Eleanor Osteen, $1,250.00
Catherine Anne Jones, Xi
Maycie K. Southall, $3,000.00
Kim Foxworth, Lambda
Eleanor Osteen, $1,250.00
Tammy Harosky, Alpha Alpha
Maycie K. Southall, $3,000.00
Cheryl Lambert, Gamma Theta
Isabel Wheeler, $3,000.00
Crystal Nelson, Kappa
Lois Jones Special, $3,000.00
Patsy Peckenpaugh, Upsilon
Louise Oakley, $1,250.00
Becky Redding, Alpha Iota
Lottye McCall, $1,250.00
Terri Tims, Beta Sigma
Evangeline Hartsook, $1,250.00